Sunday, September 21, 2008


Anonymous said...

Lets set a bike camping date.

queasyfish said...

Yes, let's.

Jared said...

So you are planning to bike camp with someone who is anonymous? Anonymous always seems to leave the most lame comments on blogs.

queasyfish said...

Yes, despite not signing in to post and sometimes posting comments on the wrong article, Anonymous is always up for bike camping.

C'mon Jared - don't kill yourself slowly, change is good!

Heath said...

Anonymous seems like a dumbass. But, I like bike camping. How about the Oct. 4?

queasyfish said...

Kath says the 4th is bad, the following 11th or 18th would work though.

Just called Steve, he could only go on the weekend of the 11th - but then only Friday to Saturday as he has Sunday plans. He can't go the 4th or the 18th. It would have to be a shorty if we go Friday. ...and we don't have to, I'm just saying the Steve-requirements...

What do you think?

queasyfish said...

I think Friday to Saturday will just be too tight, maybe if we all lived in the same town but...

I've been trying to convince Sean and G to come camping but they aren't interested. I think they think there is a high degree of gear or fitness required.

Can you guys offer encouragement or thoughts? Wouldn't it be awesome if all five of us went?

...but in the end, if it's just you and me Anonymous, I'm good to go.