Sunday, June 8, 2014


queasyfish said...

A favorite campground hike, the overlook above the falls at Willow River just outside of Hudson WI. Yes, WI. MN state parks are better overall but we love Willow River.

queasyfish said...

The hike straight up the stairs was closed due to fallen trees smashing the heavy weatherproof wood steps like toothpicks (you could see from the top), so we hiked the dirt path up the hill and that's a nice hike too.

queasyfish said...

Sorry, I'm still figuring out how to use the camera.

queasyfish said...

Fuck it, "Camera Techniques" are for art and nature photographers and who gives a shit about that. I'm going back to no-flash Auto. The only point is people pictures.

Paparazzi style, good lenses, processors, and lighting (not necessarily in that order) is all I want.

queasyfish said...

You see what I'm saying about Phineas looking right in your eye right?