Thursday, February 23, 2012

Kickstarter - Magnic Light

This is freakin' cool - I want.


Heath said...

Cool light it looks very efficient with its LED lights. Although frictionless, there must still be energy drained from the rotation of the wheel in the form of magnetism.

queasyfish said...

I see what you're saying, but most rims are aluminum - not magnetic. The "eddy currents" seem to say it's about the motion of the wheel not the magnetism. I'm not saying that you're wrong, I just don't understand how you could be right.

Jared said...

I don't fully understand it either but I has to drag the wheel. I know this because there is no such thing as free energy out of nothing (perpetual motion machine). How much drag is the real question to be answered. Most machines are very inefficient at converting energy from its original source to a form that will preform the work needed. Maybe this one is super efficient so the drag is not easily noticeable?

Jared said...

" has to drag the wheel." Also cool link. People are smart. In an induction burner for cooking this same process of spinning magnets to form eddies of magnetism to heat the pan.

queasyfish said...

Sure, the wheels of the bicycle also "drag" on the ground when you're riding it. His hand-spinning the generator-wheel and the light-wheel isn't a very scientific comparison, but I don't visually detect any slowing of the light-wheel over me spinning mine in the work stand.

Jared said...

Agreed, It looks like and I hope the generator uses so little energy you don't notice it. It does technically however take more energy out of the motion of the wheel than is needed to light the bulbs because there is no free energy and always some loss in the process of changing energy from one form to another. On a different note I bet a final version will need to have a light that can more easily be seen from both sides of the wheel.

SeanH said...

Looks pretty cool. Whatever drag it does have, it will be quite a bit less than a mechanical dynamo.

Now on another note, am I bad person for expecting, because of his accent, him to announce that the end goal of his kicstarter project is world domination and the subjugation of his enemies?

queasyfish said...


queasyfish said...

He made it! - Currently $8000 over (the requested 50K), with 6 days to go. Very fucking cool.