Sunday, October 4, 2009

News Flash...

Steve may actually be going. He thought it was next weekend rather than the following. Give him some love people.


Heath said...

I hope he can make it. What about Sean and George?

queasyfish said...

Well, historically at least, no comment has meant no...

SeanH said...

I am going to be in Tampa for work.

What is the contraption n the pics?

queasyfish said...

It's a rigid stick to push, or lift and pivot the front. Ever walk down the block with a kid who can barely pedal and steer? - try it you'll understand the value immediately. :)

So you were going to go if not for Tampa?

quietman said...

What is the rendezvous time and place of departure?

queasyfish said...

You and I can leave from here, we'll meet J&H about half way to the campsite at J's in-laws house. I'm not sure of Steve's plans, it seems most likely that he won't come, quite honestly. I kind of remembered the conversation with a less enthusiastic Steve the next morning. :)

Probably plan to leave here around 10, meet up around 11 - does that sound about right? Just need to set the tent up before it gets dark...

I'm really glad you're planning to go.