Saturday, January 20, 2024

Uncle Steve

 Uncle Steve


queasyfish said...

queasyfish said...

Jared named uncle steve always creeped me out but status is clear now. I recognize Steve as a thought leader in almost all interests that we had. And social situations for that matter. Mountain biking snow boarding music girls life Steve is the man

queasyfish said...

False Oath was a great band. Lie to Society. Suffering for the Living. Not Politically correct. Murderapolis

queasyfish said...

False Oath was a great band. Lie to Society. Suffering for the Living. Not Politically correct. Murderapolis. I saw them many times in STP and the Mirage bakery near Memory Lanes in South MPLS. Originally built as a rock venue that's totally true. Replacing an old school 70's one floor place that I first went to with Steve because they would cash pay checks. I saw Jeff Loven there when I was at Augsburg in 85 and they didn't really card. I took a few lessons from him a couple years later but I didn't really practice

I wish I could remember the name of that place. Steve will know when I describe it