Sunday, April 10, 2022

 Puerto Rico


queasyfish said...

Puerto Rico brought me back, it revived me. Daily temp is low 80s with constant breeze.

Blackout started Wednesday in Luquillo at 8:45 e PM. Showered by phone light. No charge by late morning. On to the next BNB, phones dying.

We drove far along the Arizona like highway until we got to the crazy stressful single land road steep climbs required to get to that house in the top picture

Mountain side awesome BNB is beyond words Puerto Rico

Heath said...

Puerto Rico is one of the coolest places that I have visited. I spend about 10 days there building a ropes course in the jungle. We lived with a local and ate red beans and rice, and plantains with every meal. Wicked spikey trees and little lizards come to mind. Happy travels.

queasyfish said...

oh my god I think Google is doing some kind of AI experiment on me. I clearly did not write that first comment... well, geez I might have just been drunk