The last month has been crazy. I have changed jobs and jumped into a fast speed role. ...After idling for a while admittedly, so struggling. It's going to be great I think. I am working hard and long.
Two weekends ago I removed the carpet on the third floor. When we moved in to the house twelve years ago we also had kitchen and bathroom projects underway. We laid the carpet on the rough damaged floor with minimal repair. Last weekend full OSB sheathing by me including much attention to the stairs.
I have been riding my bicycle downtown to work three days a week and it's a great commute, hope to keep going through the winter. Heat is more my enemy than cold. I have a bus card if not.
1 month ago
Eighteen 4 x 8 sheets of 7/8 OSB. Cut in half the long way, stacked on my trailer strapped down and driven home.
Kathleen is the rock star in this story, moving most of the 2 foot by 8 foot sheets from the garage to the third floor. I cut them and screwed them down. We are a surprisingly good team.
I drove the rolls to the Transfer Station myself for old time's sake. Everyone was cooler than I remembered. The carpet roll-stacked trailer was a perfectly balanced as-tall-as-it-could-be triangle of carpet rolls before gently tossing the strap over and ratcheting them down.
I also got a tire voucher and brought the piece of rubber that has been living behind my neighbor's garage for years. No one else would even care but you know me. The gal on the phone was like, so how many tires do you have?
Ha, to be honest. Our beloved dog Phineas had kidney issues and ruined the rug. No dogs allowed now.
I am afraid I may have contributed it by hitting and kicking him. I didn't understand. I will never hit another animal. It's the worst thing I have ever done. I really miss him
I so want to delete that comment but it's true
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