You don't stop to take pictures, these four are the only scenes I have. Twice successfully flagging Steve not to ride away before I can stop, gloves off, get the phone out... Hmm, I just understood the point of my GPS's camera, should try it... Camping is easy. Riding is great, and there is more nearby, we ALL have to go. 500 mile weekend.
We explicitly did this as a reconnaissance ride, to find the trails and assess them. We rode trails both days. Now we know it all - no, but we know the theme and can maximize trail time. With such great accommodations so easily near by. Three days mid-week would be ideal, but weekend ride works too. Let's go!
1 month ago
Camping anywhere next to the trail is fine and many do, the city park was so nice though and without motors buzzing into the evening.
I rode there one time on my way home from the Paul Bunyan State Forest. Tons of riding both places.
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