This is what I've been doing the last few evenings. Looking for a good quality SFF (small form factor - smaller size that is) PC for cheap. My around-the-house machines are maxing out on CPU, not RAM, not network, -playing movies, totally. I looked hard at upgrading the (Socket 478) processors in the existing; I could go from 1.7 to 3.0 for $20, but the FSB was not compatible - which I'm not sure if really means I couldn't use the hardware or I just wouldn't get the benefit of it. Either way I guess.
The current (SFF) computers are limited by their CPUs, which are limited by their Motherboards, which are limited by the shapes of the box openings, and the puzzle to close them all up and put their covers back on. So there isn't a choice to upgrade really. I researched powerful, older laptops, with worn batteries on eBay... I researched new SFFs at Newegg... I got the current ones for free, I guess I can't complain.
That refurbished Dell (dude) above, is a P4 (Pentium D) Dual-Core 3.4. Comes with all the modern features like a gig of DDR2 memory (up to 4), SATA hd, PCI-express, USB2 x 8 and legal XP pro. A buck-fifty. I pinged him about combined shipping for three (without the included USB keyboards and mice) 36-per, advertised. If it's all under 5 I'm doing it.
I mean, these are almost as good as my main computers, and they're upgradeable with the newest tech, they will last. One is slated for the garage too, so rockstar!
2 weeks ago
$30 for all three. Bang!
Pretty far into it now. No pcie (pci express) slot. 2xpci got the best pci video card Micro Center had, still totally sucks compared to pcie. Otherwise good.
Final cost under 3 each for three media pcs: 3.4 dual-core cpu 2 gig ram, top-of-the-line pci video.
So let's call it 1000 for all.
Ya, returned those cards, board graphics are fine for everything but gaming. Now end of April. love these machines, look good, work good - running 7.
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