I want something small-sized, but contoured with sort of a hand grip-bump out, but small sized, but with a nice big lens, but small sized... Black I think.
At this point all I could do was come up with a list of desires for the new camera, each of which would be flexible under the right circumstances. Here it is so far:
fully articulating LCD
good movie mode
10 MP range
uses AA rechargables
good quality lens
good quality pictures
bigger than a compact, smaller than an SLR - shape-wise, but still small
contoured grip
quick start up
DigitalPhotographyReview I deemed the most trustworthy and detailed. Hint: Once you choose the camera to be reviewed all page changes are controlled thought the drop-down box at the top, there isn't a "next page" at the bottom. Extreme camera menu emulation I guess. It's worth the info.
Years ago my artist-brother had a nice camera (and a darkroom of course), a Canon A1. In fact all of the photography on his site is taken with it - had to sell it at one point... These are pictures from the actual eBay auction that I just won on his behalf - truly mint condition from the sound of it: Vintage 1980's high-quality 35mm film camera set up. Had to have that exact model. Look at that shit. What do you think that cost then? Know what it costs in 2009 dollars? Three hundred bucks shipped. Thank you digital.
I'm inspired.
Some ones to look at:
Canon PowerShot SX10 IS
Canon PowerShot g10
Casio Exilim EX-FH20 (super high speed video capture for cool slo-mo stuff)
Digital Camera Resource Page is another good reference
Thanks Sean - that sx10 is looking really attractive...
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