Like the new look? I've been wanting to have something different for a while - different from other people's, different from a stock template; a little weird at first but it's grown on me. Perhaps I'll change it from time to time just because.
No other blog looks exactly like it I'm betting! - because it isn't just a different template, I hacked the HTML code of my original. Well, hacked, implies skill and code manipulation, virtually neither of which were involved in what I did - I intended to hack the code though - I thought: I'll change some of the dot colors or something - but when I took a look at it, I realized that what was required was even easier.
In fact, I couldn't change the dot colors because there weren't any colored dots. There was however, a small picture of about 8 dots, repeated over and over to make up the background, and another to surround the content and sidebar links - or more precisely, there were links to web pages where the pictures were hosted. I simply went to Google Images and found myself some new pictures, then replaced the links in my template code with the links to the new pictures. Voila!
2 weeks ago
Faster Pussycat, Kill, Kill!
I love that movie! I wish I had a copy of all his movies, unfortunately the only place that had it for rent was in Uptown and they're closed.
I have pristine DVD copies of almost all of his movies (like 10) - collector's edition series. Thank you Torrents! I love his shit.
Once we played FPKK - which is as far as I know his only movie which has NO nudity, at the Hex on surf night, and they said don't ever play that again. People were trippin' - serious girl-power.
Thanks for getting it.
Oh, and - the video place you're talking about was "Discount Video" with the ugly yellow sign right?
I discovered many cool movies there. They closed years ago.
Yes, you're right about Discount Video. I haven't seen any other Russ Meyer movies, I'm sure they're amazing! Thanks for posting the pic, that's a great flick... I liked the Italian the most.
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