No one is understanding the hilarious comments I'm leaving on their blogs - and it's not just my 8th grade spelling and grammar (ok, this is what you are thinking)... I need bold and italic. I need hyperlinks. The Blogger comment form says I "can use some HTML tags, such as <i>,<b> ,<a> " - but how do I do that? This is how.
Hypertext Markup Language, or HTML tags, surround the words you want to modify, like this: <i>these words will be in italics</i>. Notice the forward slash just before the second "i"? - it's not optional, it defines where to end the formatting. Likewise, bold: <b>these words will be bold</b>.
The <a>, or attribute tag, is used for hyperlinks - like the comments spammers feigning interest post on your blog, linking back to their own websites - cough, cough, Heath, cough... That code looks like this:<a href="">Click here to go to Google</a>. More complicated but still very simple; the opening tag <a href=" "> with the website location between the quotes, and the closing tag </a> with the link words before it. You see only "Click here to go to Google", and when you do, you'll be sent to Got it?
Remember, with code, syntax must be exact, <i>close</i> doesn't count! There you go; a joke, a tip and an example all-in-one. Yes thank you, applause. applause.
1 month ago
))<>(( Forever.
That's a shitty symbol of love
So how did that end up when you two rode that mini-bike out to Colorado? Did you ever find that woman and return her suitcase?
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