I have recently been obsessed with RedWing Irish Setter work boots, I had to have a pair - haven't had a good pair of leather boots for years. Totally durable leather, 8-inch high, waffle sole made for standing on concrete. Then I saw someone I didn't respect wearing them, and wanted them a little bit less, then I tried them on and didn't love them or anything so I didn't get them. -but I wanted a nice pair of leather boots for working and hiking. I didn't know what kind to get because there are many types of leather boots available. When I was at Nokomis Shoes trying on the Irish Setters I noticed the "logger boots", heavy duty boots with stiff knobby soles. They're wicked looking. The only issue I have is the heel which is two inch. It makes sense for loggers or linesmen who climb the metal pegs on a phone pole but is it good for general use and hiking? I wanted to know, so to Google I turned.
Looking for a description or comparison, nothing. Lots of places to buy them but no information. Then I found an excellent link to boot knowledge: hotboots.com they had exactly the info I was looking for: fairly detailed descriptions of boot-usage and good pictures... Great, thanks, ok let's see on their home page then, they have... lots of links... As I look through them... they have links to... lets see here... boot information, boot manufactures, profiles of men in boots what? that doesn't sound... what else, meeting bootmen - wait a minute... Oh shit, now I get the subtitle: "a community of men into boots". Christ.
1 month ago
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