So, I stepped out the other night to sizzle-up some steaks and my grill kind of grossed me out. The inside-cover paint is pealing-off in large blisters now as the result of too many flare-ups. It's dirty, and the grates that I've tried to keep oiled over the years are finally rusting. But mostly, the thing just doesn't heat up enough anymore. I've had it for like 6 years now I would say - the nice Coleman cover made a big difference I bet.
So what does anybody have for feature, or specific-model recommendations? Two schools of thought it sounds like: best quality grill for 5 years (for X) or best quality grill for 10 years (for XX-to-XXX), spend your money now or spend it later. I'm leaning towards cheaper, but if there was a 20-year grill I'd consider it.
Fuck it, I'll just get that one.